Orion Software

Updated 11/27/2019

(Back to the Orion Project page...)

GitHub is where all of my source repos are hosted.

Orion PLL source code repo.

Orion Beacon source code repo.

Orion Object Code

The SiLabs programming instructions describe where to find the software and programming adapter for the SiLabs microcontroller used on the Orion-I.

NOTE: The object code for the PLL and beacon applications have been merged into a single .zip archive. Also, there are versions of each for revision A/B boards as well as revision C boards. The filenames clearly identify which file goes with which board revision.

The object file for the PLL application is the standard software that shipped with the Orion boards.

The object file for the Beacon application turns the Orion into an exciter and Morse code keyer (OOK) for any application that requires a continuously looping Morse code message (e.g., a beacon or a fox-hunt transmitter).